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Applied Kinesiology Chiropractor Dedham MA

Applied Kinesiology: the #1 Way to Analyze the Body's Needs

Ever heard of Applied Kinesiology (AK)? It’s like your body's secret messenger, helping us figure out how you’re doing health-wise. We use muscle tests to understand what might be causing trouble in your body.

How It Works

Okay, so we test your muscles to see how strong or weak they are. If they're a bit weak, it's like a signal that something might need fixing. That’s where AK steps in – it helps us figure out what’s up and how we can help.


The cool thing about AK? It’s super good at catching things other tests might miss. By spotting and fixing these issues, it tries to make you feel better and stop any other problems from showing up.


AK can be used for lots of stuff, from checking if you need more vitamins to understanding if stress is bugging you. People who use AK to help are often chiropractors or other healers.

Curious about AK?

Let’s chat! It’s a neat way to understand your body better and maybe find some cool solutions to help you feel awesome.

Get a $49 Consult/Exam

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